Specialist Engineering Consultants

UAE: DUBAI Digital Park-DSO

Phone: +971-527131561


Lebanon: Mount Lebanon

Phone: +961-25306602,

Mail: nizar@geclbo.com

Web: www.gecengc.com


 Mission Statement “ Knowledge, Dedication, Integrity ”


  is committed to the use of Codified Scientific Literature as a basis of all its offered Services to Clients. We are on a continuous hunt for the latest in scientific literature and market applied technologies utilized for the construction industry. We have more than 20+ years of experience with Material Science , Design of Complex Structural Systems, Construction Technologies and BIM Deliverables for Various Types of Construction Projects . We excel at Projects that present a challenge to Engineers, Architects and Other Project Stake Holders.


  is committed to serving clients in the best of their interests by Listening to their requirements and advising with Robust & Economic solutions for their Projects. We treat our Contracts with the attitude of a Long term Partnership, dedicating resources and the best of our Experience to achieve superior results that stand out in the vast market of Engineering services .


  conducts business activities in a manner that supports fair and open competition, with transparent business practices. We believe that fair competition pushes us to make the best use of our resources and find innovative ideas to develop new ways of doing business and acquiring Clients.

We place Ethics and Integrity at the center of all that We do. Our Anti-Corruption Policy supports our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of Professional and Ethical conduct and We will not tolerate any form of corruption.

Professional, Honest and Straightforward business practices protects our Reputation and serves our aim for Long Term Relations with our Clients.